Painting Styles Reference Photos
Choose from these images for subjects to paint in the Painting Styles Workshop.
You can find your own images, but I can’t guarantee that your choices will be the best fit for our projects. These are hand-picked to make it easier on you. I will have a few choices available at the workshop for those who can’t get their act together. 😉
Here's the important thing! You have choices for images to work from:
1. Use your own if you're pretty confident. Otherwise….
2. You can find an images below. These are likely to make good paintings. If you are low on confidence, don't choose a complicated image.
3. I will have some old calendars at the gallery for those who can't get their act together and bring images. You will want to pick them out BEFORE the workshop, so think about that when you're in class these weeks before.
To prepare your image for the workshop:
1. Bring images on paper or tablet or laptop big enough to work from, just like in class.
2. To print out, drag image to desktop, take a screen shot, or right click to save to Photos.
3. If you want to have the option to trace it onto canvas, your canvas will be 9" x 12". In that case you'll also want a black and white to trace over AND a good image to work from. (Ask me about this if you don't know what I'm talking about.)
Bring at least 4 images to work from.
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