Leave a Google Review

This painting is (sort of) about being a snooty art critic. Don't do this when you leave a review.

This painting is (sort of) about being a snooty art critic. Don't do this when you leave a review.

For those of you friends who would like to tell the world how much you love Red Dot Gallery, we have made a page giving detailed instructions on how to leave a Google review. We've been told it isn't easy for everybody, so this step-by-step guide (put together by the lovely Annabelle DeCamillis) will lead you through it. You do have to create (or have) a Google account, but that only means you'll be able to post reviews. You can do other stuff with the account, but you don't have to. They will not come after your firstborn child...even if you'd like them to. 

Here's the link: Post a Google Review for Red Dot Gallery

Thank you so much to those of you who have posted, and to those of you who will.