To my Zoom class on Friday, April 10: Thank you for attending! I’m loving our new adventure. Here are some reminders and new information for going forward.
I will soon have the supply links on the webpage in order. Please check back, and read the instructions on the webpage before you buy. I’ll have different options for different budgets.
I’m going to start offering critiques in another way than just the Red Dot Student Connection on Facebook. (Please continue to use Facebook if you’re comfortable. You’ll get the most personal critique.) Starting now, you can get feedback by sending a photo of your image to with the subject heading of: Friday Drawing Critique or Tuesday Drawing Critique. If you take both classes, either will do. If you don’t enter the correct heading, you might get missed. I’ll post images on this blog with suggestions. I’ll keep it anonymous if you like.
Your homework was to look at things and intently observe them. Please post in the comments anything you noticed or any insights you had doing the assignment.
I hope to see some of you next Tuesday! Our next two classes will focus on Perspective. I’ve been getting lots of requests for this subject.